Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Practicing Patience...

The song comes to mind, "God give me wisdom, God give me strength and the courage to simply stand still."  I can't remember who sings it or I would give them full credit, sorry!  I'm really in need of some wisdom, courage and strength tonight.  Dealing with people who just do not get it, and by it, I mean life.  Shouldn't we all, as God's creation, humans living on this planet together, try to respect each other and let the trivial things go?  I'm simply frustrated with a particular person's lack of reasoning and judgement - someone who can't seem to see the GOOD in other people and must always, always, always look for the negative and try to bring others down.  Shouldn't we try to lift each other up?  Isn't life hard enough without someone purposely trying to make it harder?  Just something to think about:  the next time you want to offer a negative word or criticize or just simply be mean to someone else and make things more complicated for them, please take a moment to STOP, THINK and PRAY.  Stop what you are about to say or do - think about how it will come across to the other person, or what you would perceive if you were in their shoes - pray about what your actions should be and how you should respond.  I, for one, am currently working on 'seventy times seven'...that's a LOT of times to turn the other cheek...."God give me wisdom, God give me strength and the courage to simply stand still."